career support, job Hunt, or Relocation

Are you ready for a new chapter in your career?

Discover your potential and take it to the next level.

Your career

Are you happy in your current role?
Are you creating the impact you desire? Are you having FUN?

You deserve a fulfilling job which leads to personal growth, success, and recognition.

I can help you to create the impact you are aiming for, overcome a challenging relationship, solve an intercultural conflict, become an inspiring leader, or figure out what's next in your career. You tell me.

Why I can support you

  • I led diverse teams and partnered with leaders on all levels
  • I grew my own successful career which led to exciting opportunities
  • I was part of many development journeys as a leader, HR or coach
  • I was heading a regional Talent & Development team in a global company

Your job hunt

Do you rock your interviews? Do you know how people perceive you?
Do you know what your worth?

You deserve a rewarding experience where you grow with each step you take.

I can support your journey, improve your self-awareness, introduce you to techniques, simulate an interview, boost your self-confidence. Look at your resume or you dive into my online training.

Why I can support you

  • I recruited and hired people in Switzerland, Singapore & in the US
  • I successfully placed talents in various functions all over the world
  • I easily connect with people regardless of their positions or status
  • I know what HR and hiring managers are looking for

Your move abroad

Are you running around like crazy to take care of everything? Are you feeling isolated in your new home?

You deserve a smooth relocation and integration while saying goodbye to the known and enjoying the new.

I can help you preparing your move as well as ease your arrival and cultural integration by providing job related support, intercultural inputs, organizational guidance, and being your sounding board.

Why I can support you

  • I personally moved to Singapore, the US & Switzerland alone & with family
  • I transferred countless assignees all over the world in various HR roles
  • I was heading the Global Mobility department in a global company
  • I spent almost ten years abroad and have a solid global network

Hi, I am Yvonne Durand :)

I have spent the majority of my career in HR doing what I love the most: Supporting people.

My professional and personal experience will help you to focus on what YOU love most.

If you are looking for an analytical approach, sincere feedback and results, contact me and we figure out what's best for you.

Send me an email (click here)

Or click here to learn more about me.

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