
Working session

6 hours of coaching & consulting support to take your career to the next level. In one shot!

Pick my brain over voicemail or text messages while sorting out your challenge(s).

This offer is for you if you are facing a specific problem at work or you would like to sort out a certain career challenge.


Topics like:
πŸ“ˆ Prepare a career progression conversation with your manager
πŸ’ͺ Get ready for a job interview
✍ Define your next steps to change your job
🧐 Analyze your career options
🀝 Negotiate your new salary package
πŸ€” Question your salary and benefits of your new assignment abroad
πŸ’¬ Give sensitive feedback to your team member with performance issues
😎 Ace your upcoming performance review
πŸ“„ Setting up an effective resume
πŸ’β€β™€ Continue your onboarding on your new job
πŸ‘£ Embrace your goals and move ahead
πŸ™Œ ...or eliminate another road block in your career, let's discuss.


How you benefit​
πŸ”₯ You get my inputs while working on your challenge.
πŸ”₯ You get time to process my feedback and ideas.
πŸ”₯ You can think it over and see if something works for you or not.
πŸ”₯ You are not stressed since not everything needs to be addressed at once.
πŸ”₯ You progress with my continuous support.
πŸ”₯ You can cover much more ground than in one meeting.
πŸ”₯ You get to listen to my message again if you wish.
πŸ”₯ I get to think, too. And will be able to provide a well-defined response.


How it works​
πŸ€“ Contact me via voicemail or text messages during 6 consecutive hours.
πŸ€“ Both voice and text messages are fine. I’ll likely reply with a voicemail.
πŸ€“ It’s not non-stop. You get to work on your challenge or project.
πŸ€“ You keep your messages concise(ish).
πŸ€“ I will reply in due course; I may not always respond immediately.
πŸ€“ We will set up a suitable timeslot based on your and my time zone.


Your investment in yourself
I am piloting this offer. The heavily discounted price is at CHF 249.00.


Curious? ​
​Contact me and we sort out the details 😎



Ready to step up?

I'm interested!

Get in touch with me to explore

    ​More about me​

    Email me here​


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