online training

How you nail your job interview

A job search can be nerve-wracking. Especially when you are under pressure, which is often the case.

This training module is designed to guide you in preparing for a job interview once you receive an invitation. Proper groundwork will make you stand out among job seekers. You will perform better in job interviews, increase your confidence, and you will save time (money!).

Learn at your own pace with video clips, a practical manual, questions for reflections, worksheets, and examples. Everything you need in one place.

This training module will help you to

  • stand out from the crowd of job seekers
  • exhibit improved verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • demonstrate effective answering techniques
  • formulate your value proposition
  • enhance your self-awareness
  • increase your self-confidence
  • apply strategies for managing interview-related stress and anxiety
  • evaluate the fit between you, the company and role
  • save time (and money!)

Content of "How you nail your job interview"

  • How to respond to interview questions
  • Your state of mind
  • How do the company, the job, and you click?
  • General interview tips for the Pro
  • Online Assessments
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Appendix with sample interview questions, inputs to interview answers, and worksheets

What you get

  • Link to several video clips; total length 1hr
    (videos with English subtitles)
  • Insightful PDF Manual
  • Questions for your own reflections
  • Sample interview questions
  • Inputs to interview answers
  • Worksheets for your interview preparation


CHF 42.00
​Should you decide to sign up for a coaching or consulting package of at least 3 sessions with me, you will be entitled to set off the cost and get this training module for FREE.

This training module is NOT about

  • How you get an interview, or
  • How you proceed after the interview (e.g. your evaluation, salary negotiation)

“It is amazing, making such a quest look that simple!”

How do you prepare yourself when you get invited for a job interview?

You dive into my insightful and hands-on training module and get ready to nail your job interview :)

What are compelling reasons to purchase this training module?

You'll perform better in job interviews, increase your confidence, get ahead of fellow job seekers, and you will save time (money!).

Learn at your own pace with video clips, a practical manual, questions for reflections, worksheets, and examples.

Come across professional, stay calm, and know how to promote yourself to land the job of your dreams.

Still hesitating?

Share your contacts, and I'll get back to you shortly.

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