Enjoy the journey to your dream job

...rather than getting frustrated and discouraged with your job hunt.

Together, we set you up for the next chapter in your career. We strengthen your profile and personal brand, eliminate any reservations you may have, and prepare you for a successful job interview.

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to explore how we can collaborate :)

    Yvonne Durand

    Career Coach
    & HR Consultant

    Why I can help

    I know what HR & hiring managers are looking for since I recruited lots of people in Switzerland, Singapore & in the US and successfully placed talents in various functions all over the world.

    For more about myself click here.
    Contact me for a chat.

    What you get

    Interview simulation and feedback
    Deep dive into your profile
    Feedback on your resume
    Interview techniques
    Structured responses
    Practical tips
    Intercultural inputs
    Mentoring along the process

    1:1 based on your needs
    24/7 Voxer support