Is your resume getting the attention you desire?

Do you feel your CV does not properly represent you in the market? Not sure, how to improve it though? I'd be happy to review it and provide you with valuable feedback.


to get my resume reviewed

    Yvonne Durand

    Career Coach &
    HR Consultant

    Why I can help

    I know what HR & hiring managers are looking for since I recruited lots of people in Switzerland, Singapore & in the US and successfully placed talents in various functions all over the world.

    For more about myself click here.
    Contact me for a chat.

    What you get

    Send your resume and receive personalized feedback with specific inputs and helpful insights.

    Format: By email
    Cost: CHF 85.00

    UPGRADE to VIP package
    Get direct access to me via voicemail or texting for 7 consecutive days to address all the questions you may have while updating your CV. Plus another personal review once you finished.
    Format: By email & voicemail
    Cost: CHF 200.00